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  • The Virgo Garden

The Power Of Forgiveness

We as a society have the wrong idea about forgiveness. We think forgiveness is a gift or privilege given to the person that has hurt us. However, unforgiveness is what keeps us in a prison and forgiveness is what releases us from the self-imposed prison. Alot of us tend to have the idea that if we forgive someone then we are giving them the fuel to hurt us again. Forgiving does not mean that you condone the behavior. Holding on to unforgiveness can lead to manifesting your past again.

Unforgiveness is a refusal to let go and come into the present moment. Only in the present moment can you create your future. When you are holding on to the past you cannot create future experiences for yourself instead history will repeat itself. Unforgiving thoughts lead to a symptom of emotions such as bitterness, sadness, hurt, regret, fear, guilt, blame, anger, resentment, depression, anxiety, and the desire for revenge. Unforgiving thoughts will not create happiness or peace in your life. When you are feeling stuck forgiveness needs to be done to clear out the blockages of energy. Blockages of free-flowing energy mean you are stuck in the past.

You may have gotten treated badly or been triggered by someone else but you still are the only one responsible for your feelings. When you master your ability to respond you are consciously choosing not to react based on emotion. Forgiveness means to release. To truly forgive you must release yourself from the pain and negative energy. Forgiveness takes place in the mental, emotional, spiritual, then physical bodies for the cycle of forgiveness to be complete.

There are ways to help the natural cycle of forgiveness. The first thing is simply drinking water. Water purges the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Another way is to set healthy boundaries and stop allowing the unhealthy behavior to continue. Where the mind goes the energy will flow. You create your reality through your mind. Create healthy positive thoughts to produce a positive today. Journaling is also a great way to help clear your mind out and help with the mental clutter. When you have clear thoughts you make better decisions.

Break out of the Victim Cycle. The Victim Cycle is replaying the act over and over again in your mind thus creating more pain and symptoms of unforgiveness. An important one is self-forgiveness. In order for the cycle of forgiveness to be complete, you have to forgive yourself. Forgive yourself for not being perfect and allowing yourself to make mistakes. You have to find the blessing in the lesson and keep pushing through. Remember, staying stuck means bitterness, and letting go means freedom. No matter what happens in life you always have the freedom of choice. You are the god of your life you create it.

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