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  • The Virgo Garden

The Forgiveness Challenge

This year's energy is all about balance. When it comes to balancing the emotions and mental it can be a bit tricky. Everyone wants to talk about the pretty side of spirituality but not the not-so-pretty parts. Spirituality is more than manifesting and soulmates. It's about healing and growing as well. If you don't heal and grow you will keep attracting the same energy in. The purpose of this challenge is to help you release so you can finally be free. The only person that truly suffers when you don't forgive is you. As stated in "The Power Of Forgiveness" blog staying stuck means bitterness and letting go means freedom. Do it for YOU!!!


You can pick as many different challenges that you want to try and use as many different people that you choose. You can use one challenge for multiple people as well. Whatever helps with the healing apply where necessary. Remember who you're doing it for!!!!


  • Write a letter to the person/people that hurt you. Lay it all raw on the page & send it them or read it to them.

This will help your Solar Plexus, Throat, Sacral, & Root Chakras. This will help you to be able to release and heal but it will also help you with healthy communication. Remember to break the cycle of pain you can't keep allowing unhealthy behavior. This exercise is good to use on people that you would like to move forward with in your life and a healthy conversation needs to be had to bring healing to the relationship to move forward in a healthier direction.


  • Write all the good things that you can think about the person.

This exercise is great with helping you to release. Thinking good things only about the person will help to change how you feel towards the person. This will help you not to hold bitterness and forgive the person emotionally and mentally. This will help your Crown, Heart, & Sacral Chakras.


  • Try to see the person's Inner Child & try to understand the causes of their actions.

This will help you to be more compassionate and understanding towards the person. This will help with releasing and breaking the Victim Conscious Cycle. Sometimes we look at people and say oh they are full of drama and they might really be full of trauma that they haven't healed from. This is where "take the higher road comes in". For the energy you give out will be returned to you. This will help you with your Heart Chakra.


  • Try being nice to the person/people that caused your pain.

I know it might seem unfair but like I said in CHALLENGE #3 the energy you put out will be returned to you. Holding on to anger and resentment towards a person will only lead to bitterness and hurting you. This will be one of the harder challenges but it's doable. This challenge is great with helping with your Crown, Heart, and Solar Plexus Chakras.


  • Do a mirror work challenge & face the person by talking to yourself in the mirror to tell them how you truly feel.

This is another great challenge for helping you to take your power back. Part of forgiveness is being able to be assertive & take up for yourself. This is a great exercise to help you build up your inner strength & shield your energy when you are around the person. This exercise is great for helping your Throat, Third Eye, Solar Plexus, & Sacral Chakras.


Subconsciously you can hold a grudge against yourself for the things you haven't truly forgiven yourself for. You may be mad at yourself for making a bad decision, acting out of character or in a way that will hinder you in the long run, or allowing others unhealthy behavior patterns to continue. Until you truly let go you will keep experiencing blockages.


  • Face Recognition Exercise- Light a Queen Alchemy candle or incense, lay down flat on your back, meditate first on what your intentions are & the outcome you would like once this exercise is completed. Close your eyes & allow naturally the faces that have hurt you to appear on their own. Address with each face/person what it is they have done to offend you & the blessing you got out of the lesson. Allow healing energy to come into the space & let their face become filled with a white light until they fade away. When they fade let the problem go.

This exercise will help with your inner strength, self-power, and helping you to release the person with love. Remember the energy you put out will be returned back to you. Allowing the symptoms and feelings of unforgiveness to fester on your life is only blocking your energy flow. Which can definitely be used on more important things.


Blame takes away your self-power & inner strength and gives power to another being. Waiting for an apology will keep you mentally & emotionally stuck in the past. Not only are you stuck in the Victim Conscious Cycle mentally you are also giving yourself a life sentence to suffering & resentment

  • Make a list of the things that you could have done different to help protect yourself better from these types of hurtful situations. When you blame someone you are giving them the power. The lesson may have been hard but the blessing is gaining the wisdom. Going back and playing it over and over again in your head won't help but coming up with a way to take preventive measures in the future will. What are ways that you can prevent yourself getting entangled in these types of situations in the future. Write them down!!! REMEMBER AND APPLY!!!


I Am more powerful than those who try to hurt me

I forgive because I know it is healthy for me

I release the past, I live in the present, & I Am prepared for my future

I will release control & allow the story to unfold

I no longer go out my way to make others happy and comfortable. I set healthy boundaries.

I attract what is for me anything I have to chase I know is not for me

I Am happy and at peace with a light heart


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