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  • The Virgo Garden

Inner Child Timeline Challenge!!!

Updated: Oct 5, 2023

As adults, we tend to operate on autopilot not really living our life to its fullest because we subconsciously or unconsciously have limitations we have set from past experiences in our life. The experiences we have as a child are engraved in our energy and we carry these experiences with us for the rest of our life. However, we have the power of how much power we give these past experiences and how much we allow them to affect us on a daily basis or when we are put in a situation similar to them.

The first relationships we build as children are with our parents and our siblings (if you have siblings, if not you can replace them with cousins that you were close to growing up). If we have unhealthy relationships with a parent or a sibling growing up this affects how we interact with others in our adulthood. For instance, I have two older sisters and I do not have a healthy relationship with either of them. Growing up not having a healthy relationship with sisters around my age and having bad experiences with one of them growing up and both of them in my younger adulthood has affected how I interact with women and is a huge part of the reason why I don't have many female friends as an adult. The experiences I have been through with my sisters have caused so much damage that it has created communication challenges and trust issues within me and affects the connections I have tried to build with females throughout my life. Me not healing the hurt has caused my perspective to shift towards black females and makes me feel like I can't trust females at all whether I'm related to them or not. Me not healing and releasing has created a festering in my energy that attracts in female connections that are not solid and has trust issues. Eventually the person that ends up getting hurt in the end is me because I have not dealt with the root of the problem and it keeps allowing the same negative situation even though through different people to grow again.

We can get so caught up with how often our life changes and the world around us that we don't even take the time to process what it is we just experienced and just survived. We don't even take the time to acknowledge how these experiences have changed us and made us more reserved in life rather than living our life freely. A restricted life restricts the energy flow in your life. Restricted energy causes us to miss out on good life experinces out of fear, it can also cause mental and emotional issues that lead to physical health illnesses and diseases. It's time to remove the stagnant energy and live your life freely. Time to grow Garden Fam!!!


  • Pen & paper

  • Incense & a white candle (light both before you start)

  • Alkaline or spring water (drink throughout this process)

  • Possibly some tissues (crying is a form of cleansing and a prayer to God's ears)


  1. Sit down & write different events that you have been through with a specifc parent or sibling that has affected you heavily especially in a negative way.

  2. Reflect on the timeline.

  3. With this person what is it that you need to release??? How has your relationship gone with this person??? What is causing the blockages in the relationship & keeping it from moving forward??? What events good & bad have affected the relationship & how you view this person??? Is it fixable??? (Like seriously think if this is really fixable. If you knew you only had 24 hours left with this person would you try to fix it?? There's your answer!!!)

  4. You can record yourself & listen back to it to help you shift your perspective.

  5. Allow yourself to release the past & the baggage of this relationship. Allow yourself the freedom from your past to finally be free and STOP BLOCKING YOUR CURRENT RELATIONSHIPS!!! This is your exodus!!! Time to build healthy bonds!!!



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